We will be having a meeting tomorrow the 17th at the Dover Christian Church with the speaker being our own Dr. Art Gilbert who will be talking to us about how to write automotive books. Art has written several of these and I, for one, look forward to hearing about this topic. Hope you can join us tomorrow.
There is still time to sign up for the Rock the Block event on March 25th in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity. This is an Area 30 community service project with all the area clubs participating. For our club, we have Mike Maliewicz, Paul Jones, Alex Vaugh, John Daliani and myself, while Amystique is bringing 3 students from the Interact and Rotaract clubs to join us that day. Attached is a link about the event and a way to sign up. Since the event is on a Saturday, we will not be having a meeting on March 24th.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Bob Matsko, Club President