Kevin Yencer
President, Past President
President & CEO, Yencer Builders Inc.
Yencer Builders IncKevin YencerKevin Yencer, President at Yencer Builders Inc.
John Daliani
Secretary, Past President
Owner-Operator, Coastal Graphics LLC.
Coastal Graphics LLCJohn DalianiJohn Daliani
Ceil Jones
Realtor, Myers Realty
Myers Realty TeamCeil JonesCeil Jones, Realtor, Myers Realty
Paul Jones
Membership Chair, Past President
Senior Associate, Wealth Manager, Retirement Income Specialist, Diamond State Financial Group
J. Paul Jones, Diamond State Financial GroupJ Paul JonesJ. Paul Jones, CFP, ChFC, Senior Associate, Wealth Manager, Retirement Income Specialist, Diamond State Financial Group
Alex Vaughan
AG Area 30, Club Leadership Chair, Past President
Proprietor, Affinity Entertainment LLC
Affinity Entertainment LLCAlex VaughanAlex Vaughan, CEO, Affinity Entertainment LLC
Art Gilbert
Fellowship Coordinator
Academic Coordinator and Advisor, Wilmington University
Dr. Arthur Gilbert, Wilmington University
Amy Dotson-Newton
Active Member
Publishing & Advertising Director, Gate House Media
Amy Dotson-NewtonAmy Dotson-Newton, Publishing & Advertising Director, Gate House Media
Bob Matsko
Treasurer, Past President, Charter Member
SVP, Commercial Real Estate Manager, WSFS Bank
Mike Gast
Paul Harris Fellow, Sustaining Member
Regional Vice President, M & T Bank
Mike Gast, Regional Vice President, M & T BankRegional Vice President, M & T Bank
John Moore
Sustaining Member
Senior Pastor, Dover Christian Church
Rev. Dr. John Moore
Amystique Church
Active Member
VP of Services & Associate Professor at Enterprise Mid Atlantic Institute
Dr. Amystique ChurchDr. Amystique ChurchEnterprise Coaching & Development Center
Don Brown
Active-LOA Member
President, Contractor's Flooring, Inc.
Contractor's Flooring of DelawareDon BrownContractor's Flooring of Delaware
Kim Adams
Active Member
President, Mountain Consulting, Inc.
Kim AdamsKim AdamsMountain Consulting Inc.
Mike Malkiewicz
Active-R85 Member, Charter Member
Director - Barros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor, PA
Barros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor, PABarros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor, PABarros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor, PA
Bill Torbert
Paul Harris Fellow, Sustaining Member
President, Torbert Funeral Chapel, Inc.
Bill TorbertTorbert Funeral Chapels
Andre Boggerty
Active Member
At-Large City Councilman, Dover DE
Andre BoggertyAndre BoggertyCouncilman Andre M. Boggerty
Mel Warren
Active-R85 Member, Charter Member
Account Executive, The Hilb Group of Maryland, LLC / Pfister Insurance (Retired)
Mel WarrenHilb Group - Mid Atlantic Region
Lois Wilkinson
Active Member
New Castle County and Kent County Program Director, Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition
Lois Uniatowski WilkinsonLois Uniatowski WilkinsonDelaware Breast Cancer Coalition