Our guest speakers will be Aaron Leema, Outreach & Operations Manager of “Water is Life, Kenya,” and Jerry A. Bilton, President-Elect of the Newark Rotary Club, which is leading the effort in Rotary 7630 to support the purchase and installation of a pump and generator for a much-needed water well in rural Kenya.
The presentation will be streamed live on facebook (click here).

Aaron is the Outreach & Operations Manager at Water is Life Kenya. After graduating from Saint Joseph’s University in 2020, he joined the Alliance for Catholic Education at SJU, where he taught biology & math for two years in South Philadelphia while also studying leadership at Neumann University. Aaron joined WILK in August of 2022 and made his first trip to Kenya this past February. He spends his time fundraising and establishing effective community partnerships.
Jerry joined the Wilmington Rotary Club 12 years ago. Motivated by Rotary International’s focus on service at the local and global level, he immersed himself in the Rotary Foundation for the club and the district. Jerry is now president-elect of the Newark club, a Paul Harris Society major donor, has established a Rotary endowment, and is chair of the district Endowment Committee. He first met Aaron about a year ago, and soon after, embarked on a new, ambitious, and rewarding partnership in promoting and fundraising for Water is Life.